Studio Bell Display...

Studio Bell Display...

I am completing a project which was years in incubation & several recent weeks in execution. The bells have always been displayed for Open Studio on the same tent cards I take to the American Bell Association’s conventions. It was a temporary solution which worked for more than six years.

Now I have built two new panels which will double the linear space to display the sample line along the concrete walls of the Hold, my studio in the foundations of Soundcliff. While they are simple to the eye, I had numerous complications to build them with my amateur carpentry & my aged tools…

I used common materials from the local small box lumber/hardware place. I danced a Montessori… jigging minimal material into what promises more optimal form for the function of displaying the ever growing collection of bells.

Now many of the cords must be shortened to suit the new format… a process I will continue while enjoying the deep dive I’m making into reorganization &
cleaning the entire studio. I enjoy the spontaneous prescriptions I get from some unknown source which I seem all-the-more to respect, advising me to take another purge of the material effects I have such propensity to collect. I love practicing the yoga of clearity in space. I’ve practiced frequently, over many ages. I’m trusting once more that I can live better without all of those dusty contingencies.

I did save some few of those… again… trusting as well certain wisdom which has grown thus through many such cullings.

This was my sculpture in the pure present which now supports other function…

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